Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

Hope for Patients with Chronic Gastritis Available In Foods

Hope for Patients with Chronic Gastritis Available In Foods
Image From: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Hope for Patients with Chronic Gastritis Available In Foods - Ulcer or dyspepsia (indigestion) is a term used to describe discomfort in the upper abdomen. One cause of gastritis is gastritis or inflammation of the stomach. If not handled properly, can progress to chronic gastritis.

Told as a chronic ulcer if it has lasted more than seven days in a month. Lifestyle-related food becomes one of the key in dealing with an ulcer. Some foods and beverages should be avoided by people with this disease.

expectations chronic ulcer patients and chronic gastritis in this food

Foods that should be avoided include chocolate, mint, and alcohol. All three can make the ulcer became worse and worse. In addition, a variety of spicy foods, acidic, and coffee can also aggravate heartburn in some people. Someone who experienced ulcer increasingly worse after eating certain foods should stop the consumption of such foods to be sure.

One cause is inflammation of the gastric ulcer or gastritis. In chronic gastritis, abdominal pain may be ongoing. In addition to coffee and alcohol, chronic gastritis patients should avoid fried foods and processed foods that use oil.

Food for patients with chronic ulcers

For patients with chronic ulcers, including those caused by chronic gastritis, some food is below the potential to help deal with the condition being treated.


Other foods that may help people with chronic heartburn is peppermint. This material is thought to be able to cool several types of digestive disorders by means of relaxing the abdominal muscles and increases the flow of bile. However, peppermint tea may also relax the muscle between the stomach eofagus and that can cause reflux worsened. By doing so, it is advisable to consume peppermint in the form of coated tablets to avoid relaxation of muscle between the esophagus and the stomach. In addition, peppermint oil form may also be able to reduce abdominal strain and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Chamomile tea

In traditional medicine, chammoline has long been used to treat indigestion. According to scientific research, there is not enough evidence to confirm it. Tea of ​​this material may be effective to cure indigestion and relieve symptoms in some people.

Hope for Patients with Chronic Gastritis
Image From: healthsuccess.info


Particular yoghurt may help fight bacteria that cause gastritis and peptic ulcers. Yoghurt type being developed by Japanese researchers contains antibodies against the bacteria H. pylori.

One cause of peptic ulcers is a bacterium H. pylori or for those who are too often taking aspirin or other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. For ulcers caused by H. pylori, treatment can be done with antibiotics and acid-suppressing drugs. Yogurt itself is expected by the researchers could be an alternative treatment of ulcers.

In an experiment, the scientists involved 42 people infected with H. pylori bacteria. Some participants were then given yoghurt containing H. pylori antibodies three times a day for a month. Meanwhile, some participants were given yoghurt without antibodies with the same dose. As a result, the bacteria H. pylori is significantly reduced in patients with ulcers who ate yogurt with added bacteria antibodies.


For the balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria in the digestive system of the body, consider taking probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that term to be able to give a good effect on health when consumed. In addition to yogurt, some foods that contain probiotics is kefir and kimchi (pickled vegetables fermented).

Probiotics may be a solution if the balance of bacteria in the stomach and intestine disorders or diseases due to drug consumption. Because this product is used to help balance bacteria in the digestive tract. With the return of the balance of the body, the digestive disorder can be overcome. However, consult with a physician in choosing products that contain probiotics. In consideration of the doctor, the selection of these products would be more appropriate and more in line with the needs of the body.

Additionally, you can try to consume turmeric when heartburn symptoms appear. Ginger if taken about an hour before a meal is also likely to accelerate the emptying of the stomach, thus helping to avoid the emergence of symptoms of gastritis.

Although the foods above may be useful to help people with chronic heartburn, should not be relied upon to cure the disease. For the treatment of chronic gastritis, consult with a physician in order to get proper medical care.


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