Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

Perform 7 Measures It currently Head of Frequent Headache

Perform 7 Measures It currently Head of Frequent Headache
Image From: backhealthforyou.com

Perform 7 Measures It currently Head of Frequent Headache - One of the most frequent reasons that cause adults to go to the doctor are due to headache. The condition is often dizzy head, even interfere with the activity, it is rarely a serious threat to a person's soul.

Dizziness itself embedded in a variety of feelings that is upon the head, such as lightheadedness, loss of balance, or was spinning. Although rarely be a signal that the body is experiencing a serious condition, it does not mean the head of dizziness should be ignored.

7 action while head dizzines

Consider some of the actions below if you are experiencing dizziness because if left alone could potentially cause injury or accident.

Lie down at least a minute

You can try to cope with a headache instantly to lie down for a minute or two. The reason to do that is so that more blood flow to the brain drain. After lying down, sitting for a minute or two before getting up slowly.

Meet the needs of body fluids

Head frequent dizziness can also be caused and exacerbated by the condition of the body have been dehydration. Which had been mild dizziness can turn into severe when coupled with a disease that causes diarrhea, vomiting, or fever. Therefore, increase fluid intake. But if the person has heart disease or kidney disease, you should consult your doctor to discuss the problem of fluid intake to the body.

7 Measures It currently Head of Frequent Headache
Image From: naturalheadacheremedies.org

Stop caffeine and drugs

When the head was dizzy, some substances can worsen the condition. Therefore, avoid foods or drinks that contain substances that are suspected to aggravate the condition. Some drinks are included in this classification, among other caffeinated beverages, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, and drugs or drugs.

Take a break

Headache often occurs when a person is exposed to a disease caused by a virus. Do not be surprised if the current flu or a cold, someone also feel a headache. In order dizziness is not rampant, rest is a good action to do.

Do not drive any vehicle

Driving a vehicle, both motorcycles and cars, while experiencing dizziness are actions that can be high risk. Therefore, for the sake of safety, you should avoid doing so. If you feel dizzy while driving, you should pull over for a moment until the headache is gone. Other actions that should not be done when the headache is operate equipment or machinery work and up the stairs.

Holding to maintain balance

When dizziness struck, there was concern sufferers experience loss of balance. Avoid sudden moves or walked quickly to avoid a loss of balance. Hold on to whatever is around you when you experience a headache to avoid falling or fatal injury.

Stop or replace drugs

Some causes of dizziness may be associated with use of drugs given by the doctor. If this happens, consult the doctor who prescribed the drug. Ask about a decrease in dosage or an option to stop taking the drug.

Never underestimate the head of dizziness, especially when accompanied by nausea and vomiting. You should immediately contact a doctor if they occur. Headache accompanied by fainting more frequently perceived and have become more acute, should also involve physicians in the process of handling.

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