Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

Many Benefits of Alcohol for Mankind

Many Benefits of Alcohol for Mankind
Image From: thebluebottletree.com


A. Understanding The Definition Of Alcohol

Alcohol is a compound which has functional groups OH – that are bound to the carbon chain aliphatic. In the alcohol molecules, functional groups – OH covalently bonded with carbon atoms.

Alcohol has one cluster – OH called with monoalkohol, whereas that have more than one cluster – OH called polyalcohol.

good benefits of alcohol. Usually it is the monoalkohol derivatives of alkanes. The general formula of CnH2n + 1 is the alcoholic OH or written R-OH, one atom H of the alkanes is replaced by cluster OH.

B. Alcohol Compound Properties

and chemical properties as follows:

Alcohol has a flammability properties

Alcohol has an easily mixed, dissolved in water, the solubility is due to the existence of similarities between the structure of alcohol (R – OH) and water (H – OH).

Alcohol with the number of carbon atoms by as much as one to four in the form ofgas or liquid. The atomic number of alcohol with five to nine thick liquids such as oils, while that has ten or more atoms to be solid.

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Alcohol are heterepolar.

Have a polar nature of the cluster – OH and nonpolar Group – R (alkyl). Polar properties depending on the length of the chain alkali. Increasingly long chains of alkil, then the nature of the reduced. This causes a decreased solubility properties.

Low rates of alcohol such as methanol and ethanol are more easily soluble in polar solvents-solvent such as water.

The boiling point of alcohol is higher than the boiling point of alkanes. This is caused by functional groups – OH that is very polar, so the style of the Intermolecular attraction to alcohol became very strong.

C. types of alcohol and its use

Generally alcohol is used as a solvent and as a compound of ingredients of alcoholic beverages. As for some of the compounds that are widely used in daily life are:

good benefits of Metanol
Image From: toksikologi519.files.wordpress.com

1. Methanol

Methanol is a type of alcohol that is widely used as a solvent gum and resin. Alcohol can be made into other compounds such as esters. The polymer used to make plastics, methanol by changing into metanal or formaldehyde.

In the industry, methanol is used as a raw material for the manufacture of formaldehyde, as a fluid antifreeze, and solvents, such as vernish. On motor vehicles, methanol is used to fuel the car of the formula.

2. Ethanol

Ethanol is a type of alcohol that has been known and used since ancient times, both as a solvent in medicines (tincture), cosmetic or as an ingredient of beverages, such as beer, wine, and whiskey.

Ethanol can be made through the fermentation techniques, namely the process of changing compound the polysaccharides, starch is destroyed into a simpler form with the help of the enzyme (yeast).disadvantages of alcohol

Ethanol is a type of alcohol used as a fuel, to make other organic compounds, and can be converted to etanal or asetaldehid for use as a solvent material.

3. Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene Glycol is a type of alcohol that is widely utilized as an ingredient of antifreeze in the radiator of a car. It is also used as an industrial raw material synthetic fibers such as dacron. This kind of alcohol is widely used as a solvent and materials also softeners or softener.

Benefits of Glycerol

4. Glycerol

Glycerol is a type of alcohol that is widely used as a moisturizing ingredients in tobacco and confectionary. Ethanol is also used as a solvent in a variety of drugs. It is also used to make nitroglycerin (Glycerin trinitrat) i.e. the ingredients for explosivesor dynamite.

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D. Use Of Alcohol

Some use of alcohol compounds in everyday life include:
1) generally alcohol is used as a solvent.
For example: lak and vernis
2) Ethanol with 76% used as an antiseptic substance.
3) as well as many Ethanol makers, plastic explosives, cosmetic.
4) mixture of ethanol with methanol fuel was used as the usual Spritus.
5) Ethanol is widely used as the raw material manufacture of liquor.
E. Benefits Of Alcohol For Healthy Body

good benefits of alcohol
Image From: farm4.staticflickr.com

E. Benefits of Alcohol for Health

The benefits of alcohol in daily life is very much. the alcohol may be used in the medical world, beauty and others. This shows that alcohol is not always brings negative impact for us, especially for the health of our body. If alcohol is drunk shots, then it will cause drowsiness, unconscious, even sober, because in it there is a poison.

As for the benefits of alcohol in daily life, particularly in the health field, including:

1. Reduce blood pressure

Alcohol can help reduce high blood pressure if consumed in doses low enough. The way it works is by cleaning the flab that's located in the arterial vessels.

Besides, it can also reduce blood clotting. It can also reduce the risk of heart attack. Remember not to consume alcohol in excess. Because, despite many benefits, even if consumedexcessively will cause a variety of ailments.

2. To minimize the risk of Stroke

As for the types of ischemic stroke became one of the most common type of strokeattack. This type of stroke is known to be caused due to a blockage in the blood vessels leading to the brain organ.

While other types of stroke hemoragik stroke that isincurred as a result of blood seeping or leaking out of blood vessels in the brain. Certainly for risk of stroke can be prevented and in minimalisir, an effort that can be done should be tried and one by taking alcohol.

3. Help improve sleep quality

The benefits of alcohol in daily life next can help improve the quality of sleep a night. Certainly these benefits can help you frequently experiencing insomnia disordersor. This is not due to the effects of other sleepy given alcohol on the human body.

To get this benefit can be tested with consume alcohol in accordance with the dosage recommended by the doctor. Note the safe dose is recommendedto help improve the quality of sleep no more than one glass.

4. Keep your Cardiovascular Health

The School of Public Health at Harvard University found that controlled amounts ofalcohol can raise the levels of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol or ' good ' and higher HDL levels are associated with greater protection against heart disease.

Moderate amounts of alcohol consumption has also been associated with beneficialchanges range from a better insulin sensitivity for improvement in factors that affectblood clotting. This process is very important to prevent the formation of tiny blood clots that can block the arteries in the heart, brain, neck, and the main cause of many heart attacks and strokes.

5. Enhance the warmth of the body

Of course these benefits you will gain automatic when consuming alcohol, the bodywill feel warm. Alcohol has long been used in various European countries with a high intensity of winter to warm the body.

benefits of Alcohol for increase libido
Image From: ddmcdn.com

6. Increase Libido

Associated with libido, it turns out that alcohol can reduce the likelihood of erectile dysfunction by 25-30%.

7. Reduce kidney stones

Study conducted by researchers from the University of East Anglia, found that alcohol consumption within the limits of normal can suppress occurrence of kidney stones.

That's some of the benefits of alcohol in daily life. Of course the alcohol's benefits to be gained if used in accordance with the limitations and the recommended servings.

But if consumed in excess will only lead to a number of disorders and negative effects. One of them is causing the disruption of dehydration.

An alcoholic's weight tends to be dehydrated because of frequent urination. It is certainly not another caused due to excessive alcohol consumption, where alcohol has diuretic properties that can encourage the discharge of water from the body more quickly. If alcohol is drunk constantly impact perceived diuetik the body can be increasingly dangerous.

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