Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

The Benefits and Uses of Lime

The Benefits and Uses of Lime
Image From: previews.123rf.com

The Benefits and Uses of Lime - Not only can give a fresh flavor, lime is also expected to have benefits that are not inferior to the lemon juice.

Lemon juice contains vitamin C is high enough. Although not higher than the lemon. However, it is still a great source of vitamin C. At least, in 100 grams of lime, can meet 35% of your daily vitamin C needs.

fresh lime that said the helpful

Not only that, limes also contain other nutrients even in small amounts, such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9 and minerals. Limes also contain dietary fiber which is good for the body. Some of the content contained in lime is what makes it good is believed to have benefits for the body.

Here are some things to be trusted as benefits lime interesting to note,

The Benefits of Lime
Image From: youne.com

Friends are good for heart health

Juice of limes and skin allegedly could become your new friends to maintain a healthy heart, according to an animal study in rabbits. Because the content of antioxidants contained in it are believed to slow the buildup of plaque in the arteries or called atherosclerosis. Healthy arteries are important. Because the arteries carrying blood from the heart to several organs.

Banish the bacteria that cause cholera and food poisoning

Cholera causing bacteria can enter through food. Meanwhile, according to one study, lime has the ability to fight bacteria. That is why the lime can be said to be good against the bacteria that causes cholera. E.coli bacteria that cause food poisoning symptoms suspected to also be attacked by these limes.

Bladder minerals good for the body

Not only contain vitamins, limes it also contains minerals that are important for the body. Limes contain potassium which is useful for maintaining healthy blood pressure and nerve function.

Good for sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a condition in which the spinal cord would produce red blood cells are sickle-shaped and deformed. This can lead to chronic fatigue, as well as ongoing pain. This is a dangerous condition. This condition can cause severe pain in some areas such as the joints, chest or lower back. Lime consumption is believed to reduce the pain.

In addition, because bioflavonoids and antioxidants contained in it, lime is also believed to lower a person's risk of cancer.

The Uses of Lime
Image From: cdn.pcwallart.com

Variety Processed Fresh Oranges and Lemons are Helpful

Already know what benefits may be given limes? If you are already interested in the benefits of lemon, here's a recipe lime processed. Lime not only provide benefits but also make your meal more tempting session. Lime sauce recipe can be a companion for fish, chicken, or even sauteed vegetables.

Materials needed:

  •  1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • ½ cup chicken broth without salt
  • 2 tsp cornflour
  • 1 teaspoon chopped parsley

How to make:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. Stir until evenly distributed.
  3. Put the bowl in the microwave, and cook for about 2 minutes in a high temperature.
  4. Cook until the sauce thickens and looks clear.
  5. When finished, pour lime sauce over fish or chicken that has been fried or boiled. Serve while warm.
Lime probably does not contain more vitamin C than lemons. However, that does not mean limes do not have benefits. While easy to obtain, use lemon juice as possible with the creation of a variety of recipes or a drink of lime.


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  • The Benefits and Uses of Lime Image From: previews.123rf.com The Benefits and Uses of Lime - Not only can give a fresh flavor, lime is also expected to have benefits that are not inferior to the lemon juice. Lemon juice contains vitamin C is hi… Read More

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