Sabtu, 19 November 2016

Baby Oil to Prevent and Treat Acne and Blackheads

Baby Oil to Prevent and Treat Acne and Blackheads
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Baby Oil to Prevent and Treat Acne and Blackheads - Acne and blackheads Both are issues of the most annoying facial skin. They grow and arise anytime, ruining the appearance of the face and make us be not confident. With regard specifically to the blackhead, the how to take care are considered likely to be easier. With the use of baby oil, he believed would quickly disappear.
However, if allowed to go on without handling any blackheads, apparently will cause big problems. He will turn into a bigger acne grows in our nose. Whereas, the pimples on the nose is the most painful acne because it is directly related to nerve cells.

Read Also: Benefits of Honey for Beauty
Baby Oil to Prevent and Treat Acne and Blackhead
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How to remove Blackheads with baby oil how to remove Blackheads with Baby Oil

At this time, the post will be discussed about how to remove blackheads with baby oil. Yes, as is already so common, baby oil is indeed believed to be able to prevent the worm causes factor 2 faces (blackheads). Baby oil is able to lift the dead skin cells and secrete oil that was covered in the pores, so it will be very helpful in healing the facial skin problems on this one.
Baby oil that is normally used to keep the baby skin health is also rich in nutrients. Vitamin E as well as the normal pH can help reduce the occurrence of irritation when the skin of the nose pushed with a hard smooth scales, eliminates in the skin, as well as stimulate the formation of new skin tissue that grow after the old skin exfoliate.

Read Also: That is why Sports What You Do not Succeed Makes Thin
Well, from at length, here's how to remove blackheads with baby oil that can direct You should:


Prepare a clean towel, cotton fruit beauty, warm water, and of course a bottle of baby oil. In this case, baby oil used should preferably be of the brand.


clean the face using towels that have previously moistened with warm water. Simply wipe it several times in order to be lifted off the dead skin cells and the skin pores are slightly open.


pour a few drops of baby oil onto a cotton beauty that was already prepared, then DAB the cotton into the nose or face with blackheads. An occasional massage gently skin part already smeared oil so that baby oil can seep gets into the pores of the skin.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

Benefits of Honey for Beauty

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Benefits of Honey for Beauty - Honey, hmmm if hearing these words must have struck us was sweet and delicious. Yes, honey indeed has a very sweet and tasty, but behind it tastes sweet, honey it also stores a myriad of benefits for the human body, both for health and for beauty.

Benefits of Honey for Beauty

Benefits of Honey for Beauty Face And Lips

Well to this Blog will try to review the health information about the benefits of honey for beauty is good for facial skin care as well as benefits to redden the lips.

The benefits of pure honey for skin care is already beyond a reasonable doubt, the article of natural ingredients have been known in the world of beauty since ancient times, and has been proven to be effective if used regularly and correctly.

As if you are interested to use honey as a natural ingredient of beauty that you can read below, the benefits of honey for beauty below are also included how to use, to make it easier for you to understand,

here are the benefits and how the application of honey for beauty:

A. Honey can Moisturize Skin

If you are a person who has a dry and dull face, it could not hurt to try using honey to moisturize your skin. This method works by binding water from the skin, so the supply of water in the skin can be met.
How the application of honey to face is to prepare pure honey then apply evenly to the face area (for a natural face mask).

B. Redden Lip And Make it Wet

Other benefits that can be drawn from the honey is for lip care, it turns honey can help you to make dry lips became moist, and dark red color change naturally.
The way is prepared pure honey, then pour into a tablespoon, then dilute the honey by heating briefly / honey issued a white foam. rub honey that we have to heat your lip area evenly. Do the above methods routinely 7 days before you go to bed. Then you will see the results (lips look rosy and moist)

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C. Overcoming Acne Upfront

How the application of honey for acne:
Read Also Natural Remedies for Soar Ttroat
  • Prepare honey then warmed beforehand
  • Apply warm honey that we have had to face that there are areas of acne or acne scars
  • Leave it to become not washed approximately 2-3 hours,
  • then wash your face with warm water.
  • Do this regularly so that your acne may be lost without the help of other beauty products.

D. Benefits of the last whiten face

Functions of honey for skin care last in this article is enlightening facial color becomes whiter, while the workings of honey is to remove dead skin cells that are on the face of the outside.

How to apply:

  • Prepare one tablespoon of pure honey, almond oil, oatmeal and lemon juice
  • Mix all ingredients until evenly distributed,
  • Dab to the face and slowly squeeze around 10 minutes
  • Wash your face with cold water.

Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

That is why Sports What You Do not Succeed Makes Thin

That is why Sports What You Do not Succeed Makes Thin
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That is why Sports What You Do not Succeed Makes Thin - Already tired and struggling to exercise, but the body still does not go take care of. It could be, in fact sabotaging your own weight loss efforts with unhealthy habits.

Ideal healthy body is often identified with a good diet and exercise routines are sufficient. In addition, genetic factors and hormones also affect your size. But if with a good diet and regular exercise with your weight was also decreased, may exercise your right to live yet.

That is why Sports What You Do not Succeed Makes Petite

Please check your sport is why these have not been successful.

Too many do cardio.

This exercise can actually nourish your heart and increase metabolism. Therefore, it is part of a cardio exercise routine is important. However, do not push yourself to do more and make it focus on strength training, such as regularly run 15 kilometers or running nonstop for 90 minutes.

If you do too much cardio exercise, it will erode your muscles. In addition, the body will further increase resistance to store fat as an energy supply. The best way to lose weight and body build muscle is to combine cardio training with strength training (strength training).

Exercising too long.

Actual exercise you do can be a stressor itself for your body. When you exercise, the body secretes stress hormone called cortisol. On the one hand, this hormone is beneficial to the body because it gives your muscles the energy needed to move. However, on the other side of this hormone can have a negative impact if you exercise too long, which triggers fat in unwanted areas.

Therefore, do exercise moderation. In other words, no need to go beyond the limits maksimalmu, but do regularly. Additionally, manage your emotions well. Although not currently exercising, cortisol can also be active when you're under stress.

Lack of rest after exercise.

Rest and recover stamina after exercise is no less important because that is when the body burns mostly fat. Inadequate your rest so you can work out again the next day.
Less work hard. We need to exercise the right dose. Excess sports, such as too long or too much cardio exercise, may invite a negative impact, so that shortage. Lest just feeling alone that is already struggling to lose weight with exercise and diet, but you are still not working hard enough.

The average ordinary person, not an athlete or body builder, it is not advisable to exercise more than one hour per day. It may seem mild, but keep in mind the key is the intensity of the sport, not how much time you spend. Thus, the harder your workout then the short time that you need. Therefore, to maximize the time you spend with exercise effectively, do not be lazy or tarry.

Other factors.

It could be you difficult to thin not because of lack of exercise or diet less. Weight itself is influenced by many things. In addition to the physical activity and the composition of the diet, weight loss is also influenced by a combination of genetic factors, hormones, sleep patterns, stress, and environmental influences on your life style.

Genetic factors may play a role to make someone obesity related to the tendency of satiety, appetite, desire to eat a snack, metabolism, body fat distribution, and a tendency to eat in response to stress. How strong is the influence of the genes of the excess weight will vary for each person, can feel significant or less significant. By knowing how strong a role the gene on weight, can help find a more appropriate solution for weight loss.

That is why Sports What You Do not Succeed
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Here are the characteristics that indicate that genes may have a significant role:

  1. You still may not be thin, but already increased physical activity and a firm with a low calorie diet for months.
  2. You are overweight for most of the time of your life.
  3. One of your parents or a couple of brothers, including those who are overweight. If both your parents are overweight, your chance of obesity is even higher, at around 80 percent.

Meanwhile, here are the characteristics that indicate that genes may have less significant role:

  1. You included a little overweight, but still can lose weight through exercise and a healthy diet.
  2. After your weight better, you can go back fat when changing diet or exercise program, for example, when the holiday season or you are experiencing social and psychological problems.
  3. You are really affected by the availability of food.
  4. If you include people who influence gene significantly less fat, you can improve exercise and diet program. However, if you include people who are affected genes were significantly obese, try to consult a nutritionist in order to get a better solution.

Remedies of Sore Throat that can be Made Alone

Remedies of Sore Throat that can be Made Alone
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Remedies of Sore Throat that can be Made Alone - During this treatment of sore throat frequent use of antibiotics although in the majority of the cause is a virus. In fact, a variety of natural remedies sore throat easily found and can even make your own.

The use of antibiotics to treat diseases caused by viruses of course wasted. Antibiotics should be used to kill bacteria, not viruses. Unfortunately, the excessive use of antibiotics can lead to more germs. This could lead to potentially dangerous antibiotic resistance, and even cause a deadly infection.

sore throat following natural remedies can be made yourself

Many variations of natural treatment for sore throat that can be done alone. Most of the treatments that can be done to cure a sore throat that you may already know for a long time.

Salt Water Gargle

One natural remedy sore throat is very easy to make brine. You simply add one teaspoon of salt and put in 240 ml of warm water, which is approximately as much as a small glass of bottled water, and stir until evenly mixed. Gargle with the position of his head thrown back and spit.

A study found that gargling with salt water can prevent upper respiratory tract infections. Gargling with salt water can also help clear the throat of phlegm. But remember, do not wear too much salt and do not swallow.

Chewing Garlic

One of the natural ingredients that can be used to help relieve sore throat is garlic. This ability is owned because it contains antiseptic properties. However, the best way to use them for the purpose of treating a sore throat is to chew garlic first.

When crushed, garlic releases a compound that has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral as well. The name of these compounds is allicin. In addition to chew as much as one clove, another way that can be used is by sucking it for 15 minutes. If you are not able to eat it raw, try to be mixed with other ingredients, such as honey, olive oil, or created juice. However, allicin will be more effective if chewed raw.

A bowl of Chicken Soup

Never assume awful food can never be used as medicine. For a sore throat, the joy of chicken soup can also be used as a natural remedy. Warm liquids can help relieve throat irritation.

In addition, some soup when sick is an act of reasonable considering the food is easy to swallow even when sore throat though. By eating liquid foods, such as soups, nutrients your body needs can stay awake when someone is sick. Own nutrients the body needs in order to fight infections that invade the body.

Hot tea

Remedies of Sore Throat that can be Made by yourself
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Drinking hot tea water can also be a natural cure sore throat. Warm tea of ​​any type, whether herbal or nonherba, can help relieve a sore throat. One reason is because tea contains antioxidants that are predicted to strengthen the immune system and can help win infections. To be so optimal, add a teaspoon of honey into your tea. This will add antibacterial properties so as to allow people with a sore throat will heal faster.

cup honey

Good mixed with tea or drunk directly, honey has long been believed to relieve a sore throat. A study conducted on 139 children who are exposed to upper respiratory tract infections (ARI), confirming the effectiveness of honey in relieving cough. In addition, other studies also support the claim that honey is an effective wound healer. In other words, honey can be used to help speed up a person recover from a sore throat.

Besides practicing ancestral recipe above, which should not be separated from the natural cure sore throat is a good lifestyle. Quitting smoking is a lifestyle that should be done. Because the smoke, the throat can be dry, irritated, and made a swollen throat. Adequate rest also plays an important role in curing sore throat. During sleep, the immune system will be more effective against viruses or bacteria that cause illness.

Hope for Your Beauty, Now Severe Acne can be cured With This

Hope for Your Beauty, Now Severe Acne can be cured With This
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Severe acne can be cured - Acne! A nightmare during the day, who is not annoyed if they see there is a small red bumps on the face when the mirror? Relax, this is her potent treatment for severe acne.

Acne arising only one and could disappear within a few days, still pissed. Moreover, if the pimples that appear much and last many years? Well, it could be a sign of severe acne like cystic acne.

Severe acne can be cure

Cystic acne is included in the category of severe acne. Definitely know not, it appears as if the acne skin pores clogged by dead skin cells, oil, or sometimes bacteria. Well, severe cystic acne occurs when the obstruction has moved deeper into the skin. As a result, blisters form soft (like blisters) big red full of pus and pain. More sinister again, severe acne can survive on the skin over the years, grown in most of the skin and leaves permanent scars.
Well, if you experience severe acne like this, it is advisable to immediately ask for help from a dermatologist. Treating severe acne like cystic acne is not enough just to wash your face using facial cleansing soap.

To cope with cystic acne, your dermatologist may recommend or prescribe a variety of drugs such as the following:

Antibiotics help control bacteria and heal inflammation. But sometimes acne does not respond to antibiotics properly or resist antibiotics after several years of use.

Dreams, lotions, or gels that contain retinoids. It can help clear blockages in the pores and help antibiotics work better.

Now Severe Acne can be cured With This
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Pill, helps regulate hormones in some women.


These drugs allegedly could address all the causes of acne and removes pimples completely and permanently. The trick, taking this pill as much as one or two times a day for about 5 months. If the acne is severe relapse, stay take this medication again. However, that must be considered is the different results can occur in people who are different and should not be consumed by pregnant women.


a diuretic drug that works rid of excess fluid in the body, it also works as a barrier hormones.

Daily Care To Do

In addition to style treatment the doctor, there are also daily care to do. The goal is to not aggravate acne or even severe acne led to another. That should be done is:

  • Do not touch or even squeeze pimples. The more often you hold, or push, getting worse infection or inflammation of acne. As a result, acne can leave scars pocked alias. Surely we do not want to if it happens, is not it?
  • Do not wash your face too often. Wash your face twice a day with soap or facial cleanser recommended doctors and warm water is sufficient.
  • Do not rub your face when cleaned. Avoid the use of abrasive facial soap, containing grains or exfoliating agents.
  • Avoid using heavy makeup and oil-based. It is advisable to choose the make-up water-based and non-comedogenic.
  • Remove make-up before going to bed until completely clean.
  • In addition to treatment from the outside, relieve severe acne can also be helped by not eating foods triggers acne and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Perform 7 Measures It currently Head of Frequent Headache

Perform 7 Measures It currently Head of Frequent Headache
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Perform 7 Measures It currently Head of Frequent Headache - One of the most frequent reasons that cause adults to go to the doctor are due to headache. The condition is often dizzy head, even interfere with the activity, it is rarely a serious threat to a person's soul.

Dizziness itself embedded in a variety of feelings that is upon the head, such as lightheadedness, loss of balance, or was spinning. Although rarely be a signal that the body is experiencing a serious condition, it does not mean the head of dizziness should be ignored.

7 action while head dizzines

Consider some of the actions below if you are experiencing dizziness because if left alone could potentially cause injury or accident.

Lie down at least a minute

You can try to cope with a headache instantly to lie down for a minute or two. The reason to do that is so that more blood flow to the brain drain. After lying down, sitting for a minute or two before getting up slowly.

Meet the needs of body fluids

Head frequent dizziness can also be caused and exacerbated by the condition of the body have been dehydration. Which had been mild dizziness can turn into severe when coupled with a disease that causes diarrhea, vomiting, or fever. Therefore, increase fluid intake. But if the person has heart disease or kidney disease, you should consult your doctor to discuss the problem of fluid intake to the body.

7 Measures It currently Head of Frequent Headache
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Stop caffeine and drugs

When the head was dizzy, some substances can worsen the condition. Therefore, avoid foods or drinks that contain substances that are suspected to aggravate the condition. Some drinks are included in this classification, among other caffeinated beverages, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, and drugs or drugs.

Take a break

Headache often occurs when a person is exposed to a disease caused by a virus. Do not be surprised if the current flu or a cold, someone also feel a headache. In order dizziness is not rampant, rest is a good action to do.

Do not drive any vehicle

Driving a vehicle, both motorcycles and cars, while experiencing dizziness are actions that can be high risk. Therefore, for the sake of safety, you should avoid doing so. If you feel dizzy while driving, you should pull over for a moment until the headache is gone. Other actions that should not be done when the headache is operate equipment or machinery work and up the stairs.

Holding to maintain balance

When dizziness struck, there was concern sufferers experience loss of balance. Avoid sudden moves or walked quickly to avoid a loss of balance. Hold on to whatever is around you when you experience a headache to avoid falling or fatal injury.

Stop or replace drugs

Some causes of dizziness may be associated with use of drugs given by the doctor. If this happens, consult the doctor who prescribed the drug. Ask about a decrease in dosage or an option to stop taking the drug.

Never underestimate the head of dizziness, especially when accompanied by nausea and vomiting. You should immediately contact a doctor if they occur. Headache accompanied by fainting more frequently perceived and have become more acute, should also involve physicians in the process of handling.

The Benefits and Uses of Lime

The Benefits and Uses of Lime
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The Benefits and Uses of Lime - Not only can give a fresh flavor, lime is also expected to have benefits that are not inferior to the lemon juice.

Lemon juice contains vitamin C is high enough. Although not higher than the lemon. However, it is still a great source of vitamin C. At least, in 100 grams of lime, can meet 35% of your daily vitamin C needs.

fresh lime that said the helpful

Not only that, limes also contain other nutrients even in small amounts, such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9 and minerals. Limes also contain dietary fiber which is good for the body. Some of the content contained in lime is what makes it good is believed to have benefits for the body.

Here are some things to be trusted as benefits lime interesting to note,

The Benefits of Lime
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Friends are good for heart health

Juice of limes and skin allegedly could become your new friends to maintain a healthy heart, according to an animal study in rabbits. Because the content of antioxidants contained in it are believed to slow the buildup of plaque in the arteries or called atherosclerosis. Healthy arteries are important. Because the arteries carrying blood from the heart to several organs.

Banish the bacteria that cause cholera and food poisoning

Cholera causing bacteria can enter through food. Meanwhile, according to one study, lime has the ability to fight bacteria. That is why the lime can be said to be good against the bacteria that causes cholera. E.coli bacteria that cause food poisoning symptoms suspected to also be attacked by these limes.

Bladder minerals good for the body

Not only contain vitamins, limes it also contains minerals that are important for the body. Limes contain potassium which is useful for maintaining healthy blood pressure and nerve function.

Good for sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a condition in which the spinal cord would produce red blood cells are sickle-shaped and deformed. This can lead to chronic fatigue, as well as ongoing pain. This is a dangerous condition. This condition can cause severe pain in some areas such as the joints, chest or lower back. Lime consumption is believed to reduce the pain.

In addition, because bioflavonoids and antioxidants contained in it, lime is also believed to lower a person's risk of cancer.

The Uses of Lime
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Variety Processed Fresh Oranges and Lemons are Helpful

Already know what benefits may be given limes? If you are already interested in the benefits of lemon, here's a recipe lime processed. Lime not only provide benefits but also make your meal more tempting session. Lime sauce recipe can be a companion for fish, chicken, or even sauteed vegetables.

Materials needed:

  •  1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • ½ cup chicken broth without salt
  • 2 tsp cornflour
  • 1 teaspoon chopped parsley

How to make:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. Stir until evenly distributed.
  3. Put the bowl in the microwave, and cook for about 2 minutes in a high temperature.
  4. Cook until the sauce thickens and looks clear.
  5. When finished, pour lime sauce over fish or chicken that has been fried or boiled. Serve while warm.
Lime probably does not contain more vitamin C than lemons. However, that does not mean limes do not have benefits. While easy to obtain, use lemon juice as possible with the creation of a variety of recipes or a drink of lime.

Hope for Patients with Chronic Gastritis Available In Foods

Hope for Patients with Chronic Gastritis Available In Foods
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Hope for Patients with Chronic Gastritis Available In Foods - Ulcer or dyspepsia (indigestion) is a term used to describe discomfort in the upper abdomen. One cause of gastritis is gastritis or inflammation of the stomach. If not handled properly, can progress to chronic gastritis.

Told as a chronic ulcer if it has lasted more than seven days in a month. Lifestyle-related food becomes one of the key in dealing with an ulcer. Some foods and beverages should be avoided by people with this disease.

expectations chronic ulcer patients and chronic gastritis in this food

Foods that should be avoided include chocolate, mint, and alcohol. All three can make the ulcer became worse and worse. In addition, a variety of spicy foods, acidic, and coffee can also aggravate heartburn in some people. Someone who experienced ulcer increasingly worse after eating certain foods should stop the consumption of such foods to be sure.

One cause is inflammation of the gastric ulcer or gastritis. In chronic gastritis, abdominal pain may be ongoing. In addition to coffee and alcohol, chronic gastritis patients should avoid fried foods and processed foods that use oil.

Food for patients with chronic ulcers

For patients with chronic ulcers, including those caused by chronic gastritis, some food is below the potential to help deal with the condition being treated.


Other foods that may help people with chronic heartburn is peppermint. This material is thought to be able to cool several types of digestive disorders by means of relaxing the abdominal muscles and increases the flow of bile. However, peppermint tea may also relax the muscle between the stomach eofagus and that can cause reflux worsened. By doing so, it is advisable to consume peppermint in the form of coated tablets to avoid relaxation of muscle between the esophagus and the stomach. In addition, peppermint oil form may also be able to reduce abdominal strain and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Chamomile tea

In traditional medicine, chammoline has long been used to treat indigestion. According to scientific research, there is not enough evidence to confirm it. Tea of ​​this material may be effective to cure indigestion and relieve symptoms in some people.

Hope for Patients with Chronic Gastritis
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Particular yoghurt may help fight bacteria that cause gastritis and peptic ulcers. Yoghurt type being developed by Japanese researchers contains antibodies against the bacteria H. pylori.

One cause of peptic ulcers is a bacterium H. pylori or for those who are too often taking aspirin or other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. For ulcers caused by H. pylori, treatment can be done with antibiotics and acid-suppressing drugs. Yogurt itself is expected by the researchers could be an alternative treatment of ulcers.

In an experiment, the scientists involved 42 people infected with H. pylori bacteria. Some participants were then given yoghurt containing H. pylori antibodies three times a day for a month. Meanwhile, some participants were given yoghurt without antibodies with the same dose. As a result, the bacteria H. pylori is significantly reduced in patients with ulcers who ate yogurt with added bacteria antibodies.


For the balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria in the digestive system of the body, consider taking probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that term to be able to give a good effect on health when consumed. In addition to yogurt, some foods that contain probiotics is kefir and kimchi (pickled vegetables fermented).

Probiotics may be a solution if the balance of bacteria in the stomach and intestine disorders or diseases due to drug consumption. Because this product is used to help balance bacteria in the digestive tract. With the return of the balance of the body, the digestive disorder can be overcome. However, consult with a physician in choosing products that contain probiotics. In consideration of the doctor, the selection of these products would be more appropriate and more in line with the needs of the body.

Additionally, you can try to consume turmeric when heartburn symptoms appear. Ginger if taken about an hour before a meal is also likely to accelerate the emptying of the stomach, thus helping to avoid the emergence of symptoms of gastritis.

Although the foods above may be useful to help people with chronic heartburn, should not be relied upon to cure the disease. For the treatment of chronic gastritis, consult with a physician in order to get proper medical care.

Treat Dry Cough With Natural Medicine Could Be More Effective

Treat Dry Cough With Natural Medicine
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Treat Dry Cough With Natural Medicine Could Be More Effective - In general, we recognize two types of cough medicine, cough medicine that contains expectorant for coughs up phlegm and cough medicines that contain cough suppressants to dry. But in addition to drugs that are generally sold freely, there are still other, more natural ways that can also act as a dry cough medicine.

Coughing is actually the body's natural reaction to clear the respiratory tract. A condition referred to as dry cough is a cough that does not remove phlegm. This type of cough is generally experienced when a person inhales dust or other particles that are likely to cause irritation. A person can also experience it when you are in a place with air condition hot and very dry.

Hacking Cough

The physical condition of each person is different, so even with a dry cough experienced. Causes of dry cough in some people can not be clearly ascertained, but there is a presumption that a dry cough that is chronic can be sourced from the following:

Read Also the Benefit and Uses of Lime
  • Acid reflux accompanied by other symptoms, such as heartburn, increased saliva, or throat ached.
  • Irritation from cigarette smoke, allergies, asthma.
  • Pertussis, or whooping cough.
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia.
  • Influenza.
  • The side effects of blood pressure and heart medications.

Therefore a natural reaction, then the cough medicine is not always necessary in a mild cough and is prolonged (chronic). Likewise with a dry cough medicine. Here are natural ways that can be done to relieve dry cough.

Consume Enough Mineral Water

The mineral water is a dry cough that's handling. Mineral water is required especially when the air is very dry to keep the throat moist, thereby reducing dry cough.

Natural Remedies

Below is a selection of natural ingredients that can be taken to relieve dry cough cough suppressant drugs besides.


to be a dry cough medicine, honey can be taken separately or combined with warm drinks, such as warm mineral water and lemon, or a herbal tea. Steam from a hot drink was also instrumental eases breathing.


Probiotic may not directly be a dry cough medicine, but these microorganisms help balance the levels of good bacteria in the intestines that helps the immune system to work properly.

Bromelain in pineapple:

Bromelain is an enzyme contained in tropical fruits such as pineapple. This material is believed to relieve breathing and help relieve cough.

Treat Dry Cough With Natural Medicine Could Be More Effective
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Other ways to relieve symptoms

Some of these things can be done to alleviate the symptoms of dry cough.

  • While sleeping, add an extra pillow to help relieve dry cough.
  • Stop smoking if that is your habit.
  • Avoid the cause of your dry cough, such as smoking and dust. Wear a mask covering the nose and mouth while on the highway.
  • Consult a doctor if the dry cough a few days you do not abate, even after trying a variety of ways at the top. If you want to consume the drug free cough, suppressants type generally is a type of medicine used to treat dry cough. It is advisable to avoid the choice of drug packaging that claim to be able to handle a variety of symptoms, such as coughs and colds as well. Better to choose a drug aimed at addressing the symptoms in detail.